About Your Guide
About Your Guide
At Home on The Water
Captain Steve Karras is a Coast Guard Licensed captain.
He is a native Cape Codder and a second generation fisherman. His father fished commercially for Bluefin Tuna in these same waters in the 1940’s and 1950’s. This love for fishing has been in his blood since birth. Come let him share his passion with you and show you all that Cape Cod Bay has to offer.
With beautiful scenery and a world class fishery, you won’t be disappointed with your trip on The Squeegee Monkey.
Steve’s father, John, tuna fishing Cape Cod Bay in 1947.
Captain Steve Karras was born and raised on Cape Cod. He has been fishing and exploring the ponds, rivers, bays and ocean since he was a young boy. He will use his local knowledge and techniques to make your day on the water a memorable one.
Phone: 508-280-5062 Email: squeegeemonkey@comcast.net